10 Online Dating Mistakes Guys Make Frequently And How You Can Avoid Making Them

6. Don’t be a pervert

Sounds obvious right, but we are still surprised by the amount of guys who throw out all manners and decency in their messages.

Explicit first messages or overtly suggestive languages will get you blocked or put in the pervert category quicker than you think and rightfully so. If you would talk to women like that in the street or in a club you would get a drink thrown over you or worse end up being punched in the face.

Even if you are on an adult dating site where people are looking to meet up for sex, those kind of messages won’t get you laid.

Keep it clean, keep it happy and hold off with the explicit sexts till you find out she is into that.

Speaking of texting, did you know that texting is one of the best ways to keep the romance going? Let us tell you how in our FREE text the romance back guide. You can find it in the link below.

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