10 Online Dating Mistakes Guys Make Frequently And How You Can Avoid Making Them

Dating mistakes: learn how to avoid making them  when you’re trying to find love online.

Online dating has been in the news a lot recently with new dating apps for your phone, the Ashley Madison site that got hacked and new ways of meeting new people online. A fact is that online dating is now a part of how people meet, fall in love or even have affairs.

But as with anything new making your way through the maze of dating sites and figuring out the unwritten rules can be frought with pitfalls and obstacles.

As online dating pros we get to see a lot of dating interaction on a daily basis and we see a lot of guys make the same dating mistakes over and over again. And what is worse is that a lot of guys aren’t even aware that they are making them. They just put their lack of dating success down to picky women or their own abilities and give up all together.

So we thought it would be a good idea to share our experience with you and give you a run down on the 10 most common dating mistakes guys make when trying to get a date online.