10 Online Dating Mistakes Guys Make Frequently And How You Can Avoid Making Them

3. The “other” person

3 guys hanging out together

If you are going to post a picture in your profile make sure that you don’t include other people.

When someone clicks through on your profile and sees a picture of 4-5 guys hanging out at the bar, they won’t know who’s profile it is. Is it the cute guy on the left or the fit sporty type on the right? We’ve even seen pictures of guys with other women, whats that all about?

Yes we know you may be a family guy and love your mom or are a great big brother to your cute sister. When someone sees that picture of you with another woman, without the context they may think that you are still attached or have separation issues and guess what … they will move on to the next. So don’t make this basic dating mistake.

Remember, your dating profile pic is about you. So leave other people out of it.