10 Online Dating Mistakes Guys Make Frequently And How You Can Avoid Making Them

10.5. Talk!

The whole point of arranging a date is to get to meet the other person and to find out more about them; to see what they are all about and figure out if you both click. So make sure that when you go on your first date you actually talk.

Going to the cinema, a musical or a play where you have to sit quietly for several hours isn’t going to help you in getting to know that person. Those are the places you can always go to once you’ve established you have got things in common.

So there you have it, these are our top 10 dating mistakes guys make when looking for love online.

If you go on a date and if you are stuck for ideas where to go, why not check out another post on 8 Great ideas for a first date and tips on what to talk about.

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