Category: For Men
For couples
Guys, is it really so hard to give a woman an orgasm? Many guys (and women) say that giving a woman an orgasm can be very difficult to do, …
For couples
Anal Sex Toys: Taboo or Turn On? Your anus has thousands of sensitive nerve endings in and around it so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that playing with …
For Men
You would have thought that with all the hipster beards on display shaving has become a dying art, but nothing could be further from the truth. Shaving is still …
Dating advice
The Art of Seduction There’s something that often happens when you’re out playing the ‘seduction game’ – that is, when you’re actively looking out for women you think you’d like …
Dating advice
Digital Betrayal, how cheating is easier in the digital age How cheating husbands and wives use phones and computers to stay in touch with their illicit partners. These days …
For couples
How to have sex on a plane? It is one of those things that speaks to the imagination of a lot of frequent travellers: how to have sex on a …
For couples
Does size matter? Some people will tell you that size does not matter or that it’s what you do with it that’s more important. If you truly believe this, you’re either …
Dating advice
So you’ve plucked up enough courage to walk over to this woman you fancy, you’ve used your best chat up lines, your conversation with her started off great. She’s …
For couples
A couple of days ago we talked about 5 of the most common relationship problems caused by not reaching an orgasm. Which made me wonder, is it really so hard …
For couples
Is your partner’s failure to climax getting in the way of your relationship? Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. It’s a fact that men and women …